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7 Tips for a Killer ACT Score

Our favorite time of the year is just around the corner...TESTING SEASON! That means that preparation for the ACT is back in full swing. To help y'all better prepare, we have given you guys a list of seven essential ACT Tips.

Practice makes perfect. As cliche as it sounds, the ACT is truly a test of techniques. The more time you spend familiarizing yourself with the test and question format, the better off you will be!

Leave no blank answer choices. NOT EVEN ONE! When your proctor alerts you of the 5-minute mark, make sure you become aware of how many questions you have left. If there are too many to answer, go down the columns and mark a letter of your choice! At least this way, you will have a 25% chance of selecting the correct answer rather than a none at all.

Don't pull an all-nighter the day before. You have been learning the materials covered in this exam since elementary school. Any knowledge you will gain and retain will have been done well before the last day leading up to the test. The only thing a last-minute cram session will get you are blurry eyes and an annoyed attitude in the morning.

Mark your test up! Do not be afraid to scribble notes, diagrams, or even math equations underneath the questions and in the margins of your test booklet. That space is there for just that reason. Do not limit your abilities by not writing down vital information!

Read each question thoroughly. Although ACT is known for trying to trip you up by providing unnecessary fluff to a question, it is never okay to assume you know what it is trying to ask. Keywords such as "Do Not", "Instead of", "Opposite ", “NOT”, and more are easy to skim over, yet change the entire meaning of a question.

Use the process of elimination. Often times, there are two obviously incorrect answer choices. Rule those out first, then discern which of your remaining choices best fit the prompt.

Hone in on what your problem areas are, and fix them. If you have ever taken a practice ACT Exam, or even the real thing, you more than likely know what your strengths and weaknesses are. Use this information to your advantage by studying and reviewing the materials that need the most work.

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