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3 Ways to Finish Senior Year Strong

Senior Year: It’s Not Over Yet

We are now entering the second quarter of our virtual senior year. Although this year has not been as we expected it to be, everyone in LeadONE hopes you all are making the most of this predicament. Many early action and early decision deadlines are fast approaching and we must stay on top of everything. If you all are working on any essays for scholarships or admission please do not hesitate to reach out to Ms. Bitsy or any of the reach staff to help you through his process. Here is a checklist that we should all make sure to do as we come to the end of our application process.

1. Thank everyone who has helped you.

This is by far the most important of this entire list. You have come a long way, and you have had a lot of support. Your teachers who have provided letters of recommendations for you, your parents who have encouraged you along the way, and all of the counselors who have helped you get the materials needed in order to submit applications deserve to be recognized. Take the time out to write an email or send a letter of appreciation to these people.

2. Re-evaluate your college list.

Remember when we had to submit twenty colleges to Ms. Candace during our junior year? Well, I’m pretty sure that list has changed in the past few months. Continue to think about your potential majors, the type of environments you would like to be in for college, and the overall experience you would receive from a particular college. This and many other factors will play a role in your final decision on May 1st and the time spent applying to institutional scholarships.

3. Maintain your status & Avoid Senioritis!

Even though you may have completed all of your applications, you still have another semester to go. Colleges will see your final transcript, so it is important that the grades you had before senior year represent the same student sitting in your virtual classes. If you are enrolled in Advanced Placement classes, try to prepare yourself for the AP Exams and gain credit that can be used in college. Make sure you are taking the necessary breaks from school work in order to recharge your battery and prepare for a successful senior year! In the next week we will be on Thanksgiving Break. Relax during this time. Meet any close deadlines before the break. These have been a challenging couple of months, but we are REACH students which means we have the capability to do anything. Always stay motivated because the best is yet to come!

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