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14 GOOD Things About 2020

It’s safe to say that 2020 has not been exactly anyone's year. However, even with its ups and downs, 2020 is a year to remember all not only for the bad. So to end the year on a good note, I present to you our 2020 countdown to the new year of only a couple of great things that resulted from this highly eventful year.

14. Crayola released a new collection of crayons named the “Colors of the World”. Coming in packs of 24 and 32, the collection displays a variety of skin tone shades aimed at displaying different skin tones of people around the world.

13. Sandra Lindsay, a nurse at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center, is the first American to receive the COVID-19 outside of clinical trials on December 14, 2020

12. REACH Member Kelley Stone started business Quick2Health

11. We, LeadOne, hosted our first virtual game night

10. The U.S.’s carbon emissions decreased by 12%

9. Distilleries, automakers (GMC and Ford) , and big tech companies (Apple) used their resources to make pandemic necessities such as hand sanitizer, masks, and ventilators.

8. REACH Member Desmond Thompson won the Stax Music Academy sponsored SongWriting Challenge: Protest Song

7. NASA named it’s Washington D.C. headquarters after their first female black engineer Mary W. Jackson, or as you may know her, a “Hidden Figure”

6. Across the U.S., people of various backgrounds and identities joined protest for the Black Lives Matter movement

5. As the year draws to an end, we get closer to having our first female Vice President

4.Tik Tok was not banned and our pandemic entertainment continues

3 Virtual learning may not be how we envisioned our 2020 school year, but never before have we had the opportunity to wear pjs for our daily lessons (I won’t tell if you don't)

2. We have taken up a million hobbies and become pro banana bread bakers, master artists, small business owners, etc. The possibilities have been endless.

1 You made it through 2020. Regardless of every obstacle thrown at you, you have survived a pandemic, stayed strong even as you wake up to open a screen for school over Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Google Meets, etc., 5 days a week, celebrated birthdays over a drive through party, and much more. You can proudly say I made it through 2020, it may not have been my best year, but I made it! Congratulations and Happy New Year!!

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